Net Promotor Score Success

Ask for a 10, Earn a 10

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Tracfone NPS Program

Each time you activate a new line of service your customers will receive a text message with a Tracfone customer survey. They will receive a survey anywhere from 4-24 hours after activation and they will have the option of taking it in English or Spanish. It consists of about 8 questions, but the first question is the only one that counts for you. They do not have to finish the survey for it to count. 

Based on their most recent experience in your store, they will be asked how likely are they to recommend your store and brand to a friend or colleague on a scale from 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely). Be prepared with these tips on how to improve your performance and techniques on gaining a promotor. ASK for a 10 and EARN a 10!

This scoring is called your NET PROMOTER SCORE or NPS. It is monitored by using an interface called Qualtrics. 

You - the dealer - have access to easily see your current NPS score at any time in the DAP Portal. You can read more details of the actual surveys taken by logging in to your Qualtrics account.

Login to DAP Login to Qualtrics

Create a Positive Customer Experience

Tracfone has put together a training on their customer experience guidelines.

This is available on DAP and can be found under: "Support & Training" > "Online Training"


How Do These Scores Work Exactly?

Net Promoter Scores are calculated by...

...adding and averaging the amount of Detractor scores, Passive scores, and Promoter scores together. These are done by groups rather than adding individual scores, and that is also why anything under a 9 will actually hurt your score.

*This method of NPS scoring was not invented by Tracfone - it is actually a widely accepted method of survey scoring that is used by many fortune 500 companies.

When you complete an activation, you really want to ask for a 10 and take that opportunity to make sure the customer is completely satisfied with how they were treated while in your store. If there is anything that the customer might need you to do, this creates a great opportunity for you to fulfill that for them and ensure their satisfaction - before they leave your store and before they receive the survey request.

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  • Greet each customer, qualify their needs, and provide the best solution for them.

  • Always make sure they are happy with a working product before they leave your store. If they are not, you have a chance to fix it before they leave.

  • Tell your customers that they will be receiving a survey after their visit and explain how the scale works. Set the expectation that the only score that counts for you is a 10.

  • Reinforce that their opinion is valued and matters.

  • Encourage your customers to leave you a good review on social media, like Google, Yelp and Facebook.

Try asking your customers like this:

"You will be receiving a text message survey in the next 24 hours based on the service I have provided, and the only result that counts for me is a 10. Are there any questions I can answer for you today so that I can earn a rating of 10 from you? "

Passive to Promoter!

Did you know that there are many customers who had good things to say about your stores but overall had a passive score on their feedback survey (7 or 8's)? While they may think this is a good score, you need a 9 or a 10 for a Promotor. Do not be afraid to ask for a 10 from every customer to ensure Promotors.

IMPROVE YOUR RESULTS BY THE LAW OF AVERAGES!  More surveys filled out will lessen the impact of one bad survey.

  • In spite of your best efforts...  It's possible that on occasion you will get a survey that scores you as a Detractor (anything 6 or less), despite your efforts to satisfy the customer. Hey, it happens - sometimes customers will score you for things out of your control. Network issues, coverage or spottiness, time it took to perform the activation in store, or even the performance of their actual phone can all impact their response. These issues can take an otherwise happy customer and turn them into a Detractor.

  • BUT, what you CAN do...  Is to simply play the numbers game - by getting more and more surveys filled out as Promotors (9 or 10) you will lessen the impact that one occasional bad survey.

Remember to mention to ALL of your activating customers that they will be receiving a survey and that you need a (9 or) 10 to count for you!

  • Tips to help you remember...  If it's possible, customize a message to print out on your receipt. Many POS systems will allow you to add some personalized text to your receipts. Use this feature to add a message and train your staff to circle it and remind customers when they hand them their receipts. Don't forget to ask for a 10.

  • Tack up a note at your register... Remind yourself and your staff to ask the customer about their experience today and place that expectation in their minds that they will be getting a survey. Try our activation quick list card. Make a habit of doing all these things in your store and you will see your numbers improve!

  • Create a contest among your staff... If it's not just you who does the activations in your store and you have a few staff members that also do this, it would be fun to create a contest to see who can get the most surveys filled out and who scores the highest overall. Employees love contests!! It makes work seem like fun, and it's a great opportunity to build camaraderie among the staff AND to give them a chance to win something! Your may even be able to use your Dealer Loyalty Rewards points for the prize.

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How Do You Monitor Your NPS Scores?

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See Your Current Score right on the DAP Dashboard!

Go into DAP and scroll down a bit to see your NPS score for the month as well as your cumulative score for the quarter to-date.

Login to DAP

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See Your Current Score in DAP

Go into DAP and then go the to Compensation & Rewards section and see the "My Rewards Tier" section on it!

Here you will see your total running score. Ideally you will want to see a 60 or better here, with 45 being the minimum score that would be acceptable. If you see anything less than 45 you will definitely want to take some measures to work on improving this number. Continue reading below for things you can do to help improve this score!

What's In It For You, the Dealer?

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Dealer Loyalty Points

Member, Pro and Elite tier dealers earn 100 Dealer Loyalty Reward points for every survey filled out with a score of 9 or 10!  That's on top of 100 points for every activation! These points can add up quickly and can be redeemed for valuable things like branded merchandise, digital marketing programs and more straight from Tracfone.

*A/R doors are not eligible to earn or redeem Reward Points. Need to Tier UP? Find out more here.

Reward Your Customers

Use your Business & Local Partner Discount

Your Dealer Loyalty Rewards can be used to provide your customers with coupons to local businesses. These coupons can be used to close more sales or just thank you customers for purchasing with you. 
Dealers who have used these coupons have averaged higher NPS scores than dealer who did not. Additionally, dealers that have increased their average NPS score by at least 7 points have seen an increase in their monthly revenue!

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How to Redeem:

  1. Log into the dealer loyalty program site (link on DAP: dashboard). 

  2. Scroll down on the homepage &click on the local offer section. 

  3. Enter your customer's zip code to see the latest offerings in the area. 

  4. When you see a retailer you like, click on View deals. 

  5. Click print on the discount you like  or take a screen shot.

Don't Forget The Customer Experience Newsletter

Every month Tracfone publishes the Customer Experience Newsletter. This newsletter contains tips, ticks and updates about all things dealing with the customer experience. This is the best place to learn more and keep up to date with all of the new and exciting changes.
Did you miss a month? What to review previous month's updates. We keep several months available on our Training Assets Page.